Podcast episode: How can we become courageous leaders?

Listen to my conversation with Michelle Grant, founder of The Great Full, where we explore the role of courage in leading change, how it connects to confidence and some practical tips on how to build your own courage.

The topics we cover are:

  • What motivated me to set up Courage Lab

  • The role of courage in the transformation towards a more sustainable world

  • The main connections between courage and leadership

  • The difference between courage and confidence

  • How vulnerability and courage are connected

  • Artificial harmony and avoiding difficult conversations

  • My take on armoured vs. daring leadership

  • Courage-building practices you can engage with

  • The negotiation techniques BATNA, WATNA and MLATNA

  • My advice for aspiring women leaders

Join my upcoming Courageous Leaders programme - it starts in May. There are only a few spaces left.

For more information about other offerings at The Great Full to help you eat, live and lead for a more sustainable world, check out: www.thegreatfull.com


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